Saturday, April 14, 2007


Today is a beautiful day, it was about 80/25 degrees!! That's amazing for this time of the year! But it was great! I went with two friends to the Keukenhof, that's the biggest flowerpark in Europe and it is close to Leiden! It's just open in spring, since it is all about spring flowers...

Amazing tulips! They are all so beautiful, the picture doesn't even show close how beautiful they are!

The park is almost perfectly gardened, but there was this special tulip among all the perfect white ones- but made it even more special!

And of course a dutch Windmill, with the Dutch flag on top... but as you see it was really crowded, so we didnt go on the windmill.
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1 comment:

Indigo said...

dat was de verjaardag van mijn broer :)
ik mis de lente... het is altijd zo'n bijzonder exciting gevoel als de zon weer properly gaat schijnen, overal bloemen verschijnen en je eindelijk weer een terrasje kunt pakken!
iig nice om bij jou de foto's ervan te kunnen zien!

xx J