Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Boijmans van Beuningen Museum

Today Susanne came to visit me. She used to be my roommate, but is living with her parents right now to write her BA-thesis. But today she came back to Leiden and we went to Rotterdam to a museum both of us hadn't been yet. It is a modern day art museum, though they also have 14th-17th century paintings. So actually it is a bit of everything:) Here is Susanne under a bone tree... sounds weird, but that was how it was described and looked like...

Here Susanne in the mind of the aunt from Borneo:)

Me in the middle of the aunt's mind:)

Susanne in a special room, the pink stuff are the crystals of your memory, growing and growing...
We also have pictures of the regular exhibition, but they aren't so exciting and everyone knows what a museum looks like, I think:)
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