Thursday, June 07, 2007

Good news!!

ok- this is just a random Jolanda picture because I don't like blogs without picture:)

Yesterday I got really good and exciting news! I got accepted at the University of Utrecht for an International & BilingualTeaching Master program. There are just 18 places per year available for this Master, so had to apply for it. A couple of weeks ago I had an interview for it- what went fairly well I thought. And that was true- because I got a letter that I would make a good student, but they still had more than 18 people... Exciting times! Because they were going to look what would make the best combination in the group- and decide on that. My subject will be Social Science- and I am the only student who wants to teach this- the others are English, Physics, Science and Biology. But it turned out well- I got accepted! I am really relieved now- because the uncertainty was really frustrating, I had no clue what I would do otherwise, really hard to find a job with just Anthropology...

The program takes one year. Every week two days of school and three intern days. I'll be educated to be an international/bilingual (english/dutch) teacher what means that I can teach Social Science in English at a Dutch highschool (English is becoming more and more the dominating language at schools here, even at highschools...) or teach at an international school, or teach at a local school abroad (in an English speaking country obviously). The program also includes a 4 month internship abroad, from January to April next year. The school decides where your intership is going to be, though. That can be from the North of Norway to South Africa to Wales to Hungary to PennState (US)- really different places as you see. I'll know in November where I will go. So busy and exciting times are going to come, but I am so thankful to know what I will be doing, and be able to plan ahead and make plans for the next year...
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